Optimise individual and collective performance and release the potential of your organisation
A new approach based on each employee’s “pleasure of doing” and how to place these talents at the service of the collective and business challenges.
Using map & match means “mapping” the profile of the “Pleasure of doing” of each collaborator or of a team and “matching” it to the expectations of a position or to the challenges of the company:

Engage, support and develop

Accelerate change management

Recruit and integrate effectively
Engage, support and develop each person in their current or future position
Understanding an employee’s profile makes it possible to unleash their potential by building on their strengths and enriching the development of the soft skills desired for their position, management or leadership.
map & match profile is independent of the technical skills or talents related to the “softskills” of each person.
These talents are structural to the personality of “pleasure of doing“.
Discovering a map & match profile is:
- Understand the natural drivers of an individual’s commitment
- Objectivize what takes up his energy
- Enrich his or her management style and natural leadership

Optimize the efficiency of teams and create high-performance teams
Each team has a specific intelligence to meet its challenges.
Thanks to map & match, you can map the way a team works to help it think about, commit to and align with its challenges, in order to build a simple and operational action plan that optimizes and accelerates the achievement of the expected results.
From the T5™ Talents of its teammates, map & match allows the following 4 questions to be answered:
- How does our team work?
- What are our complementarities?
- What are we missing to reach our goals?
- What action plan do we need to build to align our operations with our challenges?
Accelerate change management and execution of transformation projects
Transforming is about getting everyone on board towards a common goal.
The individual profiles and the collective map reveal the culture of the company, the natural operation of the organization, to refine the roadmap of the transformation project and ensure its success
Supporting a transformation with map & match is:
- Anticipate the obstacles and levers to the realization of the project
- Identify the facilitators and ambassadors of the project
- Engage each collaborator by focusing on his or her preferred areas
- Accelerate the project by making the team more agile and aligned

Recruit and accelerate onboarding
Recruiting is a perilous exercise.
The risk is to favour affinity-based recruitment by neglecting the drivers of candidate commitment and their complementarity with the rest of the organization.
Engage the team more quickly in a plan to achieve the desired goals.
Recruiting with map & match is :
- Offer a differentiating recruitment path.
- Discover what motivates the candidate
- Analyze their skills in relation to the expectations of their position
- Measure the complementarity with the manager and the team.
One out of every two recruitments ends in failure after 18 months (Mark Murphy – Founder of the Leadership IQ Institute).
Supporting the onboarding of a manager in a new team with map & match is to enable him/her to:
- Understand objectively the drivers of engagement for each employee
- Accelerate their integration in the team
- Adapt their management style to the team dynamics and objectives
- Engage the team more quickly in a plan to achieve the desired goals
of engagement measured by GPTW
of time saving on the project run
of error reduction during recruitment
less turnover
“It is very powerful, to release the potential of the company and to reconcile, pleasure, collaboration and performance. map & match is to better know oneself, better know the others to succeed together”
“It is a positive, rational and very original tool. The platform is an open door to a world that other tools absolutely do not offer.
Since then, I have never stopped using it!”
“map & match has helped accelerate our transformation by highlighting the ‘natural’ contribution of everyone,
beyond their technical and functional skills.”
“An excellent group workshop using map & match approach by working on our professional preferences, designing individual and team profiles. I recommend!”
You want to know more?
We are at your entire disposal to answer your questions.